The Forge Program is created to have 16 different and dynamic programs each Monday evening. This will be a fun, drop-in style program for youth to hang out, learn more about themselves and the community, and gain important skills moving forward.
Forge Evolution gives every youth the opportunity to build a brighter future, contribute to a stronger community, and become a leader.
Food + Fun + Learning = Laughter
Forge Sessions
Don't Burn Through Your $!
Do you love to cook and shop? This session will teach you some great recipes to use at home. The Griffith's Center will come and help us cook!
Gotta Start Somewhere
GAME NIGHT! We love playing games, hanging out, and eating food. Let's do it together!
Less Act, More Talk
How do you communicate? Is it all through social media? Do you only yell? Do you stay quiet? Let's learn some good ways to communicate and have fun!
Big Dawgs & Cool Cats
In this session, we are going to work with the National Mill Dog Rescue and their sweet dogs! Come ready to play with the animals, learn about job opportunities, and grow in knowledge.
GG (Good Game)
Let's PLAY! First Tee is going to come out and teach us some basics about golf, fair play, and how to have fun in all things!
Spaced Out
The Space Foundation is bringing their drones and robots to teach us how failure is ok and even cool! We all have a hard time getting things right at times so let's have fun figuring out how to work through the struggles!
Goal Digger
Setting goals in life is important! We are going to work through some super fun activities while figuring out what does life today, tomorrow, and the future look like for you!
Your Voice, Your Power
You have a voice- use it! You have the power to make change- change something. You have the power to give back- make a difference! Come hear the El Pomar fellows speak about how they make a difference and you can too!

Let's Be Different!
Regina Lewis will be speaking about "getting real with real talk." We all are different, let's embrace it! Let's be open and talk about the real world.
Create UR Self!
Bemis Art School is going to teach you how to do pottery and ink printing. Show off your creative side and have fun doing it!
Old School Boxing
More Information to Come
This session is going to focus on learning how to budget as a teenager, what does it mean to make money, and how to write a resume.
There is alot out on the internet! How do you weed through it all? Let's chat about it and have fun doing it!
Get Out and Do Good
Do you want a job or are thinking about getting one? This is a great session that will help you search for a job and help you practice interviewing for a job.
Watch YOURself!
What does it mean to be safe walking around? We will talk about life and get your thoughts about how safe is life, school, home, etc.
Program benefits
Whether you are coming to hang out or coming to volunteer, being part of our program creates opportunity, friendship, and forges life long relationships to our local area.
Our programs have been shown to increase resiliency, leadership, and youth development.
On your own terms
Forge Evolution vows to never turn you away or judge you. We want to meet you and know you, where you are, as you are. No commitments.
Come once, every week
Forge Evolution does not need you to "plan" to come see us; our doors are open for you, and your friends, to stop by and Forge your Future, when you want.
Better over time
The more you come, the more you can gain: Positive self, friends, skills that will help you in tough spot, and friendships that will open new doors for your future.
Join the evolution
It’s easy to get started with the Forge Evolution program. Just fill out some basic information and we will send you weekly emails informing you of the upcoming class. This is a drop in program so there is no sign up for our classes.

Get involved & volunteer
Want to give back and help other teens? Forge Evolution offers lots of volunteer spots for you to help other kids who may be struggling to deal with the ups and downs that come with being a teen.